With the holiday season upon us, there's no better time than now to create your own e-greeting card using Adobe InDesign.
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a very simple interactive holiday greeting card that can be published online and shared with friends and family.
As always, you can find the assets for this tutorial for download here.
One of the cool features of this tutorial is animating snow, low and slow! This means setting a longer duration than you may be accustomed to, but it makes for a very nice animation to the interactive greeting card.
For this, you will need the Animation panel, which can be accessed by going to Window > Interactive > Animation.
Animating Snow
Place the snow graphic into the layout (this will be provided in the tutorial download assets).
Create as many copies as you need, and then group all of them together. This can be done by going to Command + G (Mac) or Ctrl + G (Windows).
With the Selection Tool, click the Group and then open the Animation panel.
In the Preset dropdown, choose Fly in from Top.
Rename the Animation to Snow.
Check the Loop option.
In the Duration, set it to 8 seconds. If you want the snow to play out longer, make it 10 seconds.
That is it. You created a slow snowfall animation that will be sure to add a nice touch to your interactive holiday greeting card.