When applying for a job, it's important to go in with the mindset of having an edge over other applicants vying for the same position.
One of the best ways is ensuring your resume is on point. While the information on the resume is essential, the design and presentation is just as important.
Why not take it one step further and make your resume interactive?
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an interactive resume that features collapsable buttons with About Me, Contact Me and Social Media information. We'll also go over how to Hyperlink buttons to direct potential employers to a website and other social media channels to enhance your chances of being hired.
This lesson will allow you to either export your resume as an Interactive PDF or Publish Online for anyone to view.
So let's get started!
First, let's create collapsable buttons using the Show/Hide Buttons and Forms panel, which we'll apply to the three sections in the left-side panel in the resume.
Collapsable Buttons
About Me
In the About Me section, click on right and down arrows and in the Buttons and Forms panel, turn the objects into a Buttons.
Rename both to Right Arrow and Down Arrow, respectively.
Click on the text frame holding the information and change it into a Button. Rename it Information and check the Hidden Until Triggered option below.
Click on Right Arrow with the Selection Tool, and add the action of Show/Hide Buttons and Forms.
In the Visibility, choose to Hide Right Arrow, Show Down Arrow and Show Information.
Click on the Down Arrow with the Selection Tool, and add the action of Show/Hide Buttons and Forms.
In the Visibility, choose to Hide Down Arrow, Hide Information and Show Right Arrow.
With these steps, you set up your first interactive element — a collapsable button for About me. Let's move on to the next set!
Contact Me
In the Contact Me section, click on right and down arrows and in the Buttons and Forms panel, turn the objects into a Buttons.
Rename both to Right Arrow 2 and Down Arrow 2, respectively.
Click on the grouped elements containing the website icon and the URL and turn it into a button. Repeat the same steps for the grouped elements containing the email and mobile icons and information. Also, all three grouped elements for Contact Me, select the Hidden Until Triggered option in the Buttons and Forms panel.
Rename these buttons to Website, Email and Mobile, respectively.
Click on the Right Arrow 2 icon and add the action of Show/Hide Buttons and Forms.
In the Visibility, Hide Right Arrow 2, Show Down Arrow 2, Show Website, Show Email and Show Mobile.
Click on the Down Arrow 2 icon and add the action of Show/Hide Buttons and Forms.
In the Visibility, Hide Down Arrow 2, Hide Website, Hide Email, Hide Mobile and Show Right Arrow 2.
Social Media
In the Social Media section, click on the right and down arrows and in the Buttons and Forms panel, turn the objects into Buttons
Rename both to Right Arrow 3 and Down Arrow 3, respectively.
Click the LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube icons and in the in the Buttons and Forms panel, convert into Buttons. Also, select Hidden Until Triggered option for all three.
Rename all these Buttons to LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
Click on Right Arrow 3 and add the action of Show/Hide Buttons and Forms.
In the Visibility, Hide Right Arrow 3, Show Down Arrow 3, Show LinkedIn, Show Twitter and Show YouTube.
Click on Down Arrow 3 and add the action of Show/Hide Buttons and Forms.
In the Visibility, Hide Down Arrow 3, Hide LinkedIn, Hide Twitter, Hide YouTube and Show Right Arrow 3.
Follow all these steps and you will get this result:

Now that you've created the collapsable button structures, it's time to direct the icons in the menu to URLs. Let's link up the Contact Me and Social Media sections to URLs
With the Selection Tool, click the LinkedIn logo under the Social Media dropdown.
In the Buttons and Forms panel, add an action of Go to URL and type in the website that you'd like to direct the viewer to. In this case, let's just add www.linkedin.com.
Click on the Twitter and YouTube icons and repeat the same steps, only add the websites www.twitter.com and www.youtube.com, respectively.